Week 2 Devlog: Design Producer
1. My team's goals for this week were to figure out the last gameplay design mechanic, which would be the third bug for our game and how they would work mechanically. After playtesting, feedback, and our last final game concept presentation, we've decided to make the spider a bug that isn't harmful to the main objective of the game, however is instead more of a check of a player's reflexes. It does not affect the player's life flower if it reaches the garden, however if eaten, it will take away 2 out of the 6 petals on the life flower. We also continued to refine our bug spray mechanic at the design level, and work on our game design macro.
2. We've accomplished mostly all goals this week, however we still intend on fleshing out our Game Design Macro.
3. My team's goals for next week are to start implementing more of our designed mechanics into our digital prototype, and see if they work within our game as a whole, or if there need to be minor adjustments to some mechanics.
4. In the past week, I've completed our final game concept presentation, worked on the Game Design Macro, and got started on the Game Design Document.
5. Next week I will put the finishing touches on the GDM and working and finishing the GDD.
6. As an individual, I will need to learn how to set up our schedule, and make sure everything about our game is for the most part concrete.
Anteater Aegis
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