Week 1 Devlog: Art Producer

What were your team's goals for the past week?: My team's goals for the past week have been to gather feedback and improve on our mockup.

which of these goals have been accomplished by the team?: This past Wednesday me and my team let people see our game and we were told how we could improve on it.

In your area, what are the team's goals for next week?: my teams goal for next week is to start production on our pre-alpha build of the game

As an individual, what have you accomplished in the past week?: i have developed my pixel art and have been making more complex sprites. 

As an individual, what will you accomplish by next week to stay on time? Creating a sprite for at least one power up.

As an individual, what will you need to learn to accomplish these goals? How to make my sprites look convincing on a 2D top-down plane.

You must have at least 1 visual aid per WDL (diagrams, sketches, screenshots, etc.).

Each WDL should also have a playtesting report. Each team member should be seeking specific feedback from players and having people outside of their team test this. Please include photos of your playtesting. Sample questions for the types of info to include:

What were you playtesting? For example, an analog prototype with a description, a specific level of the alpha build, etc.:i was play texting a virtual mockup of my classmates' kangaroo hotel game.

What did you want to learn through this playtest? : that the majority of their game is well thought out, but they may need to rethink their 5 star system, i feel they could build up to five stars starting from 3

Who were your play testers? Do they represent your target audience?: My play testers were my classmates. Yes they represent my target audience.

What did you observe? What did you see when they were playing? Did they interact the way you expected?: I observed them using the controls of our game. They played overall how I expected them to.

What questions did you ask your play testers after they played the game?: was it fun,Is there anything we could improve upon?

What feedback did you receive from your players?: The addition of power ups would spice up the gameplay.

What, if anything, will you do with that feedback? Did you learn anything?

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